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Mental Illness Treatment in Assam (MITA) is a collaboration project with The Ant, Chirang District. MITA aims to bring access to mental healthcare to the most underserved communities. The first camp where 21 patients turned up was on November 4, 2019. Camps are conducted on the first Sunday of every month. Currently, we have 200+ registered patients. MITA endeavors to develop a sustainable and scalable model to provide low cost but high quality, protocol based, standardized medical treatment for mentally ill patients. Further, Ayang is on a mission to build awareness about and destigmatize both chronic and acute mental health illnesses through community visits, street plays, meetings with ASHA workers and other district health workers etc.

MITA Project


More people in the families and villages where our patients come from understand mental illnesses objectively and this has helped combat dangerous superstitions surrounding it. Seeing patient successes, we are organically having families seek our support wherein earlier it was a hushed topic. The project is slowly aiding in destigmatizing mental illnesses in Majuli.

Manthan Fellowship was a two-year immersive and intensive journey for young adults to explore their own aptitudes and skills, understand society, and contribute to the social sector, specifically in the area of rural education. The fellowship was created to address the critical lack of rural youth who were skilled, informed, and motivated to be agents of social change, especially in and around Majuli in Ayang’s context. Existing social sector fellowships often had a very high bar of skills required, and consequently catered to candidates from premier/urban institutions who had had social and economic privileges historically.



Ayang Trust facilitated this fellowship to enable local youth to be changemakers in the area of education at the grassroots level. Each fellow worked closely with one government lower primary school in Majuli Island. The Manthan fellows engaged in theoretical and practical understanding of education, social issues, public policy, project management, resource mobilization, and community engagement throughout the process of the fellowship

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Visit us: Ayang Trust Office, Shantipur,

DC Court Road, Garamur, Majuli,

Assam - 785104

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