Project SEED (seeding Enquiry, Empathy and Dialogue) is a community library project that aims to instill the love of reading and facilitate the growth of a mindset based on inquiry,empathy and dialogue in children through read aloud, book talk, choice reading, and innovative and fun library activities. It also aims to provide access to reading resources and inculcate a culture of reading among youths and adults.
The SEED project model is structured majorly around four pillars
The first pillar of the SEED project is to facilitate access to reading resources in a community-owned space run by trained individuals. We provide support for reading resources and training, while the village provides the space and construction. This ensures equal participation and community ownership.
Community ownership and sustainability
Community ownership and sustainability is one of the fundamental pillars of the community library model. This is because without community ownership, the library will not be sustainable in the long run. That’s why we design our processes in such a way that the village gradually takes ownership of the library and runs it on its own.
In the SEED project, we define usage as when the library space and reading resources are utilized by various stakeholders such as children, youth, and adults. This means that the stakeholders are issuing and engaging with reading materials available inside the library.
Merits of reading
The merits of reading (MoR) is the fourth and last pillar of the community library model. This pillar is the foundation for the other three pillars. MoR means that people understand that reading plays a very important role in individual life. It can facilitate the building of a holistic personality of an individual who will not only learn the skills and abilities of the 21st century, but also have a value framework that guides their decision-making at various points in life.